PS5 Rollenspiele & Adventure
- Wild Hearts PS569.99Freigabe: 66
- Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut PS579.99Freigabe: 18
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar Realms of Ruin PS549.99Freigabe: 16
- The Caligula Effect: Overdose PS544.99Freigabe: ab 12
- Sword Art Online Fractured Daydream PS559.99Freigabe: 12
- Prince of Persia The Lost Crown PS549.99
- Sword Art Online Last Recollection PS569.99Freigabe: 12
- Baldurs Gate 3 PS5 ASIA Ingame english89.99Freigabe: 19
- Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty PS559.99
- LEGO STAR WARS Die Skywalker Saga PS559.99
- Spiderman Miles Morales PS537.99Freigabe: 12
- Elden Ring PS5- -Freigabe: 16
- Minecraft Legends DELUXE PS549.99Freigabe: 12
- Mortal Shell Enhanced Edition PS539.99Freigabe: USK Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren
- Star Wars Jedi Survivor PS544.99Freigabe: 66
- Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion PS559.99
- Granblue Fantasy Relink PS559.99Freigabe: Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - Deluxe Edition PS554.99Freigabe: ab 12
- Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered PS554.99Freigabe: 12
- A Plague Tale: Requiem PS554.99
- Fate/Samurai Remnant PS559.99Freigabe: ab 16
- Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless Deluxe Edition PS559.99
- Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles Deluxe Edition PS544.99Freigabe: ab 12